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贝尔纳多·赛德拉切克 Bernardo Sedlacek(巴西)
贝尔纳多·赛德拉切克曾在五大洲的20多个国家演出。他的魔术技艺精湛,富有趣味,个性独特,魅力非凡。所有表演都只使用一副扑克牌,他喜欢与观众分享他的奇迹。 2022年FISM世界魔术锦标赛讲师、2024年FISM欧洲魔术锦标赛讲师、2021年/2025年FISM拉丁美洲魔术锦标赛讲师、Milbourne Christopher近景魔术奖、2015年打破吉尼斯世界纪录。别人评价他:“看了他的表演后,我觉得自称能创造奇迹是一种尴尬。”、“简直令人惊叹,你必须亲眼见证才能相信!这个人简直是个外星人。”
Bernardo Sedlacek has performed in over 20 countries worldwide in 5continents.Strong magic, fun, unique personality, incredibly carismatic. All using only a deck of cards. He loves to share his miracles with the public. Lecturer at FISM WCM 2022, FFFF,FISM ECM 2024, FISM LA 2021/2025,Milbourne Christopher Close-Up award ,Guinness World Record breaker 2015.Others have commented on him: “After seeing this, I’m embarrassed to presume l do miracles”, “He is so amazing.you have to see it to believe it! This man is an alien.”
埃里克·泰特 Erik Tait(美国)
埃里克·泰特 曾登上《纽约时报》、《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》、美国国家公共广播电台的《Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me》,以及热门电视节目。他是The Magic Castle、Chicago Magic Lounge和House of Cards的常驻表演嘉宾,并在许多全球大型魔术大会上担任特邀表演嘉宾。除了演出,他还是Penguin Magic(全球最大的魔术零售商)的制作人、视频讲师及表演者。Erik Tait将前沿的手法与极具幽默感的剧本融合在一起,给观众带来惊叹与欢笑。他是2018年国际魔术师兄弟会金杯近景魔术冠军、2021年北美纸牌魔术冠军、2022年FISM纸牌魔术第三名。
Erik Tait has appeared in the “New York Times”,“Penn & Teller:Fool Us”, NPR’s “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me”, and the Hit TV show Ships of the Northern Fleet. He’s a popular performer at The
Magic Castle, Chicago Magic Lounge, House of Cards, and has been a featured performer on some of the biggest magic conventions in the world. When not performing he is a producer and on camera instructor and performer for Penguin Magic, the world’s largest magic retailer.Erik Tait blends cutting-edge sleight of hand with a truly funny script that leaves his audiences in astonished laughter.2018 International Brotherhood of Magicians Gold Cups Close Up Champion
,2021 North American Card Magic Champion,2022 FISM 3rd prize Card Magic.
弗朗西斯科·弗塔内利 Francesco Fontanelli(意大利)
弗朗西斯科·弗塔内利 出生于1999年,自幼便在父亲的影响下开始学习魔术(他7岁时首次登台表演)。他是托斯卡纳“La Corte dei Miracoli”(奇迹之城)的成员,这是意大利唯一一座专门致力于魔术艺术的剧院,他在这里与国际上最优秀的魔术师合作。在他的表演中,他将纸牌魔术(使用一副纸牌的魔术效果)和讲故事相结合,向观众展示平凡中隐藏的不凡,即使是简单的一副扑克牌,也能创造出瞬间的奇迹。他目前在比萨大学学习药剂学,正如他在一次采访中所说:“通过我的两个爱好,一方面我试图了解如何治愈人们,另一方面我试图让他们惊叹。归根结底,我致力于让人们感到幸福。”他是2021年,Francesco在西班牙曼雷萨举办的FISM欧洲魔术锦标赛中获得“纸牌魔术”的冠军。2022年,Francesco在全国电视节目《意大利达人秀》中获得黄金按钮,直接晋级决赛,并在决赛中获得亚军。Francesco曾在许多著名的意大利电视节目中表演,如《Soliti Ignoti》和《Fatti Vostri》,并定期在意大利各地的剧院巡回演出。他在世界著名的魔术大会上讲学和表演,如“Masters of Magic”、“CMI Abano Terme”、“FFFF”、“The Session”和“European Magic Symposium”。
Francesco Fontanelli was born in 1999, he started doing magic since he was a child (he went on stage for the first time at the age of seven), thanks to his father, who is a magician too. Member of "La Corte dei Miracoli" in Tuscany, the only permanent theater dedicated to magical art in Italy, where he collaborates with the best illusionists on the international scene.In his performances he combines Card Magic (magical effects with a deck of cards) and storytelling, to show his audience that something extraordinary can be hidden in the ordinary, and that even with a simple deck of playing cards, you can create an instant of real wonder. He is currently studying Pharmacy at the University of Pisa and as he stated in an interview: “With my two passions on one side I try to understand how to cure people, on the other how to amaze them. Essentially, I try to make others feel happy.”In 2021 Francesco won the 1st PRIZE in “CARD MAGIC” at the FISM European Championship of Magic in Manresa.In the TV show ITALIA’S GOT TALENT.In 2022 Francesco got a GOLDEN BUZZER in the national TV show ITALIA’S GOT TALENT, and in the FINAL, he placed 2nd.Francesco has performed in many famous Italian TV shows such as “Soliti Ignoti” and “Fatti Vostri”… And travel all around Italy with his theater show regularly.He lectured and performed in some of the best magic convention around the world such as “Masters of Magic” ,“CMI Abano Terme” , “FFFF”, “The Session” and “European Magic Symposium”.
保田纯(纠龙) Jonio(日本)
保田纯(纠龙)曾多次出现在日本电视节目中、《美国达人秀》第16季、《FOOL US》第7季、在超过15个国家进行过演出。胡子里蕴藏着无限的宇宙,日本顶级的手法与表演艺术。是2014年THE JAPAN CUP日本冠军、2022年FISM世界魔术锦标赛第三名、2023年全流派日本锦标赛冠军、2023年日本年度魔术师。Miguel Angel Gea(魔术传奇)评价他“纠龙的神奇力量源于他对日本文化的热爱,更是在他的心灵与双手之间舞动的纯净之美。”
Jonio has appeared in Japanese TV programs for many times.Numerous Japanese TV shows、America's Got Talent Season 16、FOOL US Season 7、Performances in over 15 countries.Within the beard lies an infinite universe. Japan's top sleight of hand and showmanship.2014 THE JAPAN CUP Japan Champion、FISM2022 World Championship 3rd Place、2023 All-Genre Japan Championship Champion、2023 Magician of the Year in Japan.“Jonio is not only a cleanliness and magical power because of his Japanese culture, is because it lives in his mind and in his hands. ” by Miguel AngelGea(Legend of magic)
都杞炆 Kimoon Do (韩国)
亚洲魔术师都杞炆,在他的代表作 《指挥棒》中,将指挥棒作为魔杖使用,富含喜剧元素,尤其是他如同卓别林般的表演风格和丰富的面部表情,令人印象深刻。他精湛的技巧和独特的创意赢得了世界各地观众的喜爱。他参与过许多国家的电视节目录制,如法国的《世界上最大的歌舞表演》、具有魔术界好莱坞之称的《魔术城堡》以及佩恩和泰勒的《愚弄我们》。他曾在2019年法国黄金魔术师节目中获奖,在2020年英国布莱克浦魔术大会中赢得近景冠军以及在2024年“愚弄我们”栏目中获得愚人者奖杯。
Kimoon Do, Asia Magician, in his masterpiece "The Conductor", uses the baton as a magic wand, rich in comedy elements, especially his Chaplin-like performance style and rich facial expressions, which is impressive. His skill and creativity have won the hearts of audiences all over the world. He has participated in many national TV program recordings, such as LA PLUS GRAND CABARET DU MONDE in France, The Magic Castle, which is known as the Hollywood of magic, and Penn & Teller's Fool Us. He has won Mandrake d'or Award 2019, the Close-Up Championship at the 2020 Blackpool Magic Convention in England and the Fooler Trophy from “Fool Us” TV show 2024.
崔时彦 Sion(韩国)
崔时彦曾被Club MAGICO Italiano(一个意大利的魔术俱乐部,致力于魔术表演和推广魔术艺术) 邀请演出,在美国广播公司 CW 播出的《愚弄我们》第十季中亮相。2022年FISM比赛参赛选手、2019年6月30日釜山国际魔术节比赛第二名、2018年11月25日全日本大学生魔术锦标赛第一名、2018年11月19日台湾魔术协会比赛第二名。他称自己的魔术表演为灵感与色彩碰撞出的惊喜。
Sion was invited to perform by Club MAGICO Italiano Invitational Performance Appearing on FOOL US s10 by US Broadcasting Corporation CW.2022 FISM a contestant、2019.06.30 BIMF 2nd、2018.11.25 UIMC 1st、2018.11.19 TMA 2nd.He describes his magic performances as the joy of an explosion of ideas and colors.
地址:上海静安区共和新路2266号316室 电话:021-56653687
Address: Room 316, No.2266 Gonghexin Road, Jingan District, Shanghai